
Isaiah 58:6-8

Fasting is HARD! We have routines that include the thing we fast from. We enjoy that thing. (Maybe too much?) Everybody else is using/doing/eating/drinking that thing we are fasting from. We have to explain our fast - over and over. 

Maybe this year will be different. Maybe this year, while we are fasting FROM something (in our case, media), we can change our focus. It is so easy to put so much emphasis on what we CAN'T do, that we forget to see what we CAN do. 

So what can we do? What do we have time for? Here are some ideas that will hopefully get your creativity flowing:

Call your grandma
Play a game with a sibling (or do their hair, clean their room, etc.)
Go for a walk
Create something (paint, draw, sew, write...)
Find something encouraging to say to one person everyday
Memorize a Bible verse
Take a stand for your faith

Make this month a time to reflect on who Jesus really is and what he has for you. Fasting is not about you, but about God and his love and mercy.

Sometimes we just need to refocus.


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