READ: Romans 12:2
THINK: The Media Fast is a chance to test our faith during our mundane American lives. Christians around the world today are facing all too real persecution. We may see their walk in faith as monumentally more difficult compared to ours, but American Christians still face a very real temptation in the form of media. As you read Romans 12:2, think about how today's media can be causing you to conform to the world around you. Through the Media Fast, we have an awesome opportunity to remove ourselves from things that are distracting us. We are able to be "transformed by the renewing of our mind." Prayer is an amazing way to do this. We pray before meals and when something stressful or difficult is occurring in our lives. But do you take time to remove yourself from the chaos and just focus on God? Sitting down once a day and devoting your time to Christ is a perfect way to talk to our Almighty Savior and "discern what the will of God is."
CHALLENGE: Take at least 10 minutes out of your day to sit down and talk with God. Remove yourself from distractions, renew your mind, and reassess the will of God in your life. You may not get all the answers the first time... but the more you do this, the more likely you are to realize what God is trying to do in your life.
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