What Do You Value?

"Life is wasted if we do not grasp the glory of the cross, cherish it for the treasure that it is, and cleave to it as the highest price of every pleasure and the deepest comfort in every pain." - John Piper (Don't Waste Your Life)
I read this quote and I began to think about this week. The week that Jesus died on the cross. Do I really value the cross? Do I see the value in it that Paul saw in it? 
READ: Galatians 6:14 (You can read the verses around in, but unless you know what it meant in Paul's time to be circumcised, you might get confused).
THINK: What does Paul mean by "boast except in the cross"? What does he mean when he says that the world has been crucified to him"? And "he to the world"?

  • As you are thinking about that, realize that the key is figuring out what it means to "boast" in something. Is boasting just limited to bragging? What are some things that you "boast" in without really thinking about it?
DISCUSS: Find some time to talk to your parents about this. Actually read this devotional to them and ask them what they think the word "boast" means.
LIVE: Then, as a family, sit and watch "The Passion", or go to the Good Friday Service together. And talk together about the significance of the cross... in what ways has Christ's death changed each of you?


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