Your Spiritual Journey

I picked this up from my brother. He wrote a blog thought that I think would be good to read and think about today...


Your Spiritual Journey

Your spiritual journey needs to be primarily about truth, NOT feelings! Let me expand...
When it comes to the truth in the Bible, avoid at all cost the mistake of concentrating on your feelings. Above all, avoid the terrible error of making them central. Many people make this mistake and are doomed to be unhappy because this is not God divine order for our spiritual journey. Truth first, then emotions will follow, but only if the truth is really believed (not just known). Many theologians/Christians know some truth, yet don't really believe because they don't know love, grace, wrath, and all the emotions that follow belief.

What we have in the Bible is Truth; it is not an emotional stimulus and it is as we apprehend and submit ourselves to the truth that feelings follow! When we focus first on truth, sooner or later feeling will follow. And they will be reliable feeling, because they're anchored in truth.

How do you feel about this or what do you think are the last questions that should be asked. The starting point is "do you believe this truth?" The starting place is choosing to believe the truth regardless of how we feel or if we thinks is fair. Otherwise, we end up actually shortchanging ourselves emotionally and experientially, since deep and profound feelings are the inevitable effects of Scripture rightly understood and believed.

As you read and meditate and think seriously about what's in your Bible, and believe and accept it, then ultimately you will indeed experience it, and you'll feel the effects of it. There's heart transforming truth in Scriptures, but you won't encounter it by first trying to feel it.

Knowing and wholeheartedly believing truth will always bring you, in time, to a trustworthy experience of the truth. But if you trust your feelings first and foremost, if you exalt your feelings, if you invest your feelings with final authority...they'll deposit you on an emotional roller coaster which will stunt our spiritual journey, make us shallow followers of Christ, and weak Christians.
How is your spiritual journey towards truth!
may God feel (emotionally) blessed.....

-Andy Matzke


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