Strangely Dim

READ:  Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way.

I love the lyrics to the song Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus:  Turn your eyes upon Jesus.  Look full in His wonderful face.  And the things of earth will grow Strangely Dim, in the light of His glory and grace.  The song is  inspired by the life of Lilias Trotter, a brilliant artist who traded in worldly success to serve as a missionary in Algeria for 38 years.  

What I most appreciate about this song is that it acknowledges it's STRANGE when we're not focused on the world.  This song was written almost 100 years ago and yet even then, it seemed unnatural to turn away from the things around us. We are hardwired to love what the world has to offer whether its checking Instagram, watching reality shows or downloading the latest songs on iTunes. 

When I did the media fast a few years ago, I was amazed that after just 30 days the TV shows I once loved didn't have the same appeal.  The magazines I read suddenly weren't worth the money.  God changed my heart and opened my eyes to His way.   

When we truly fix our hearts and our minds on the Lord, all the things that take our attention away from Him start to fade away — they begin to grow "strangely dim." This month is an opportunity to get away from so many distractions.  But what will take its place?   I pray that God is filling your time and and opening your eyes to new things this month

DO: Think about how this media fast is already changing the way you look at the world!  Now commit 4 minutes to prayer throughout the day (the average length of a song) to thank God for opening your eyes to those things, and ask Him to continue working in your life.  


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