March 8, 2011


Ok. Now I've totally confused you haven't I. Yesterday was about how the media is destroying our relationship with God and others. It's not that all media is bad... but it has an affect, regardless of the message. Today, let's think about what we are really doing by just doing whatever feels good, sounds good, or we like to do... especially when it comes to music, books, magazines, entertainment, movies, TV... whatever.


Read Matthew 10:37-39... replace the words "father', "mother", "son", "daughter" with whatever your favorite media choices are... your favorite TV show... favorite band... favorite type of movie... favorite book or writer... favorite video game

What do you do with this verse? Are you telling me that you would listen to, read, watch, or play whatever it is you like rather than grow closer to God? No wonder so many people can't find God (unless you have some lame lyric in a song about finding Him on a corner smoking... thank you "Frey" for that bit of herasy).

So today is about you making a choice. Jesus makes it clear. If you love anything else more than Him, you are going to lose out on what's most important to Him and what you really desire the most. Think of it this way... if you denied yourself in your relationship with your friends, do you think your friends would like you more? Sure they may take advantage of you... but that's you have to give up something to get something. Do you think your relationship with God would grow more if you gave up your favorite music band that has nothing to do with God, in order to grow in your realtionship with God? Jesus says it will... it's a promise... and He always comes through on His promises.

So today... write down what you hold higher than your relationship with God. I'll make it easy. What do you miss most this month so far? What if you could never watch, listen to, read, or participate in anymore... is your relationship with God worth giving it up?


David Dunmoyer said...

Well so far the media fast has been successful for me although not the easiest. I have had a lot of temptations and every day when i get home i want to turn on the radio but i still havent given in yet :) Temptations seem to come and go and when im not doing anything it is even more tempting. My goal this week is to use my free time to spend time with God in some way. I hope the other 75% goes well for me and everyone else!

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