Set Apart

Your Commitment
How is your commitment going?

It has been very hard to focus and stay on track! I know for me it is a lot easier to keep a commitment that everyone else is also keeping. There is synergy in numbers and when everyone else is doing the same thing is makes it easier to hold my word. How about you? But that's not really how life works, right? In the real world there are people all around me who are not keeping their word or have a different moral compass then I do. This years commitment has challenged me to remember that I am set apart for God. As God's child He called me to be different. He commands me to be light. He extorts me to be "holy" because he is holy. This literal means set apart from everyone else in the world. Followers of Jesus Christ are supposed to be different then the world around them.

What do you think?

How do you think this years commitment will help you in the future?

What has been most difficult?

Does your commitment set you apart?

-Andy Matzke


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