So today is day 1 of your fast. This week will be one of the toughest weeks. So let's start with something simple that you can do when you are trying to figure out what to do with your spare time.
Start today with making a list of ways that you are not like Jesus. What parts of who you are is not like Christ? Maybe you get angry easily. Maybe your mind thinks about things that aren't Christ-like. Maybe you have a lust issue. Maybe you don't show respect to your parents Maybe you talk about people when they aren't around. Make a list of 3-5 ways that you are not like Christ.
So now, pick one area you want to work on this month and write it down on the back of a note-card. Let's start with praying that God would help you with this area of your life. Take some time to write out your prayer.
Now, go get your Bible. Open it to Philippians chapter 2. Read through the entire chapter. What verse or verses stick out to you? Post on the blog what verse(s) you have picked and write what that verse speaks to you about this month.
Finally, write the verse(s) out on a note card and put it somewhere where you will see it every day. On the back of that card, you should have written down the area you are going to work on this month. You will come back to this card again this month so keep it handy.
End your time listening to a Christian song that has got your attention or maybe just spend some time praying for the other Media-fasters.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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