Squirrel Monkey Hopped Up on Mountain Dew

Remember when you first realized how much Jesus loved you? Remember after your first camp and you felt like you really loved Jesus? What happened to that feeling?

Remember the first time you really liked someone? Remember when you found out someone really liked you? For some of us, that may have not happened yet... and for others, it's happened more times than we can count... what happened to that feeling?

Feelings... nothing more than feelings. Isn't that how that song goes? Here's some hard facts about feelings (imagine Dwight Schrute from the Office talking):

FACT: Feelings are nothing more than mind tricks that cause you to believe something that may or may not be true

FACT: Feelings come and go faster than a squirrel moneky with his tail on fire hopped up on mountain dew (that's fast)

FACT: Feelings lie

Here's the truth. Right now, you are experiencing some feelings. And those feelings will change after you sleep, eat, or do something to get your mind off those feelings. Most of the decisions we make are based on our feelings. Which, when you think about it, is pretty stupid. What logical, half-way smart individual would base a decision off of something as unpredictable and quick-changing as feelings?

I'm not talking about emotions... those a different... emotions have to do with our reaction to events and circumstances... feelings are inward thoughts and/or desires that may nor may not be triggered by something else.

So today... notice your feelings. Write down the different feelings you experienced throughout the day. Then, get out your Bible and read Psalm 23... what is David "feeling" when he wrote this prayer?

Finally, write out your own prayer. Regardless of your feelings, what does God want you to do after March 30? What are some feelings you need to give up to God?


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