Day 2

So Day 1 is over. Not so bad. Maybe this won't be so tough after all... but wait. You remember that The Office is on tonight! Wow! Temptation is everywhere! Even now... you can think of that favorite song or favorite TV show... So what do we do with Day 2?

Remember, this is not so much what you are staying away from... more of what you are moving towards. The key this month is to connect with God instead of connecting with something that may not be centered on God. So here is today's thought and Scripture:

We are in a a battle over our minds. We are transforming the way we think (remember Romans 12:1-2). To do this, we have to learn to concentrate on other things that center on God. So let's use prayer (can be verbal, mental, or written) and whenever we think of something that we are missing (music, TV show, etc.) pray for the actors, musicians, directors, producers, advertisers, fans, etc. Pray that God will make Himself obvious to them. That they will realize the gifts and abilities they have a gifts from God. Pray for their souls, that the Holy Spirit would grab hold of their hearts and turn them to God. It might be good to write down your prayer. Maybe it's one that goes on all day. But every time you think of what your missing, pray about it and for those who are being influenced by it.

Before you go anywhere, take some time to open your Bible and read: Psalm 33. Read it whenever you get bored or tempted. Remember to READ, THINK, DISCUSS, LIVE


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