THINK: So you made it. You've endured a month of "torture" in order to grow closer to God by shutting out the things that pull your attention away from Him. So answer these questions:
- What is one thing that has changed in you this past month?
- What did you do, this past month, that you think you should continue?
When Jesus left the disciples, He presented them with a challenge... "Go and make disciples"... in other words, He said to continue loving others and loving God by going out and continuing what they had been learning for over 3 years.
Do you know what they did? They scattered. They all separated... they came back together a few weeks later and hid out in a room. They met in a small room and prayed. Now praying isn't bad. In fact, we need prayer... but one of the things I struggle with is this idea that we have to spend hours praying that God would use us instead of just going out and doing something. This is what the disciples did. They got together and got wrapped up in formula: We need 12 disciples so we need to vote on which of these guys we should add to replace Judas. Let's pray about it. Let's vote. Let's ask God what we should do next... on and on (see Acts 1-2). I think God gets a little tired of the disciples not doing what Jesus told them, and He sent the Holy Spirit to give them a holy shove, out the door, and into their world.
You see, just because this is the end of your fast, does not mean your spiritual journey has to wait for camp, mission trip, or next year's Media Fast...
DO: Spend less than 5 minutes praying (that's right... less than 5). Ask God who He wants you to connect with. Who do you know, that needs Jesus? The first person that comes to your mind, pray for them, send them a text, go hang out with them... write them a post card... invite them to youth group... do whatever... but whatever you do, make it matter. Be a follower of Jesus and do what He would do... don't end your journey with a prayer and the remote control... do something!
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