If you could say anything to a friend, when it comes to the media, what would you say? If there was a passage of Scripture you would turn to if someone had a question about what is going into their mind, what passage would you use?
The Bible says that we are to always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that we have... doing a Media Fast is about hope. We do this because we hope to get closer to God. We do this because we hope that we can raise enough money for a mission trip or camp. We do this because we hope that God will know that we are willing to give up something in our lives that may be keeping us from noticing Him. The Media Fast is about hope... so what is your answer to the question: Why are you doing this fast?
Today, take time to think about the questions listed above. Answer them... maybe write out a short devotional and send it to me. I will post it on here for you to share with your fellow "Fasters". Pick a passage to read. Write down some thoughts on the passage. Then give some kind of application. Hope to see some good ones over the next week or so... and keep it up! You're doing great.
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