You are killing yourself.
Your first week is over. I'm sure you are wondering what your missing. For some, boredom. For others, connection. Think back on your last week... Did your homework get done? Did you connect more with your family? Did you spend some time with your friends? Did you have to find things to do? Did you finally get your room cleaned?
The truth is that, while we may try to separate the messages of the media into our minds, the time we spend watching, listening, playing, or reading could be better spent connecting with friends, family, and more importantly, God.
You are slowing killing yourself.
You are choosing to spend time doing something that is killing your creativity... You are killing your relationships (don't lie to yourself thinking that your Xbox live or WOW or Facebook friend list is about authentic relationships)... You are killing your future... You are killing your relationship with God.
You are killing the real YOU.
Sure the messages in the music, games, movies, TV shows, books, magazines, and on the social Internet tend to be anti-godly... But just the fact that we find it difficult to think about God, read His Word, pray, or even talk about how the Gospel is changing us should scare us... But it doesn't. It's like we are slowly poisoning ourself into a spiritual and relational coma... It would be better if we were hermits void of any contact with anyone or anything... Because at least we would have God. But that would be crazy...
Read 2 Corinthians 5:13... Are you crazy or just a killer?
Btw... In no way am I discussing suicide in this post. But I do believe the unless we recognize how the media is affecting us, we will continue to destroy ourselves without realizing why our friendships and relationship with God is falling apart. We are doing this to ourselves... It is like spiritual and social suicide.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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