March 2, 2011

Day 2... Was day 1 hard? Did you forget about your commitment? Did you slip up? Were you tempted to give in? I think that one of the biggest things you will learn over the next month is that you have to find outlets to your temptations. We all deal with temptations... but sometimes it just seems easier to give in.

Today, I want you to think about what you are tempted with the most. No... not media... but what is your biggest temptation? What do you do that you wish you would stop doing? What have you asked God time and time again to take away? Ok, once you have that temptation narrowed down, let's think about it a minute:
  • Why is that temptation so..... tempting?
  • Why can't you seem to stop giving in to it?
  • Where does Jesus' death, resurrection, and command for us to obey Him come into the temptation?
  • When have you overcome that temptation?
For many of us, temptation is defeating. Humbling. Embarrassing. Overwhelming. When we give in, we feel guilty and even dirty. We feel like God is going to get us back... and while it's true that God is not happy with our decision to sin, and yes... He may allow us to deal with the reprocussions of our sin... but God loves us. I believe that what we focus way too much on the wrong thing. Let me explain:

When you were tempted to give in to the media... what were you thinking about? Media, right? You were thinking about wanting to listen to some music. You were thinking about the TV show you're missing. You may have been just reacting to a normal thing you do...

But when you focused on something else, you forgot about the media... at least for a little while. You see, what you focus on, you want... so the more you focus on something you can't get, the more you want it.

Take a look at 1 Cor. 10:13... Read it. Think about it. 
  • What is the verse saying?
  • How does this apply to this month?
  • What could you do to remind yourself of what this verse is saying?
Whenever you are tempted, remember this verse. God is going to use your temptation to make your relationship stronger... have you ever thought about that? Paul says that God works everything together for good... does he even mean temptation? Hmmm....

Memorize that verse today... and repeat it every morning 3 times over the next week. And then, when you are tempted... focus on this verse. Then see how the Holy Spirit, through God's Word, helps you overcome temptation.


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