Live In Christ

So you thought this might be tough. Maybe you feel like you are dying. Maybe you feel like just giving in. The end may seem so far away. You might be running out of things to do. You may be losing sight of the real goal... so let's take a deep breath and review:
  • You are on a fast... not from media, but away from distractions and towards God.
  • This fast is supposed to last 30 days
  • During this time, you are challenged to spend time with God through reading His Word, praying, meditating, journaling, and discussion of your experience with your friends and family.
It's easy to lose focus. It's easy to get distracted.

READ: Philippians 1:21
RELATE: What does it mean "to live is Christ"? How is this fast like "dying"? How has Jesus death and resurrection impacted my life and choices? If it hasn't changed us, than what's the point?
RESPOND: Today, journal on and share your responses to these questions. What would your life, friendships, and media-influences look like if you took this verse seriously? Write it out in a note, fold it up, and place it in your Bible at Philippians 1:21... next time you turn there, you will be reminded of what you committed to.

Enjoy the day with your family. And stay strong! You're doing great!


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