Day 12

READ: Matthew 4:1-11

RELATE: Today is a day that you will begin to learn one of the most effective tools for overcoming temptation. It's a discipline, that when put into practice daily, can silence any critic. It's a weapon that when used wisely, can cut to the heart of the hardest person. It's a discipline that is the easiest to apply, brings the quickest results, and least used and overlooked. It's like a secret weapon that no one knows about. What is it? Take a moment to think. Make a list of what you think it might be.

RESPOND: OK. You have to use your Bible for this part. Get it out and find Psalm 119:9-11. Read it. Then read it 4 more times. Write it on a card. Then read it 4 more times. You should had read it a total of 10 times now. Place that card in a place where you will see it tomorrow. Read it 10 times again tomorrow. Then do it again the next day. For the next week, read it 10 times a day.

What you are learning is memorizing Scripture. It will change everything if you put it into practice. And it's not difficult. It just takes 1 minute a day.


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