Morning Breath

So in light of being "silent" and finding quietness this week, I thought it would be good to try something a little strange. I was sitting in a staff worship time this morning and ran across something that I think could be an amazing experience...

READ: Gen. 2:4-7

RELATE: God breathed life... think about that. Did you know that the average person takes over 20,000 breaths per day? Experts say that we should get 99% of our energy from just our breath (not Monster's or caffeine). Breathing is amazing... without it, you would cease to exist. The first thing you do when you are born is breathe. The last thing you do when you die is your last breath.

What's even more amazing is that when you fast forward to Exodus and you read about Moses talking with God at the burning bush, God even calls Himself a name that you have to use your breath to say it (Yahweh or YHVH in Hebrew). What's interesting about this story is that God tells Moses to take off his shoes because he is on Holy ground. Think about this... Moses... a shepherd at this time had probably been by this bush dozens of times before this moment. It was just at this moment that he realized he was on Holy ground. It took God catching Moses' attention to realize that God was near... that God was with him.

So, could it be that even our breath is a reminder that God is always with us? Think about this... God... THE GOD... breathed into Adam. BREATHED (I would imagine that God has pretty fresh breath). And ever since that moment... everyone who has ever existed has breathed. This was so significant to the Hebrew people that they even named the Spirit of God a word that means "breath". Our physical breath is actually a picture of the Holy Spirit of God... inside of us! Amazing!

RESPOND: Take 30 seconds to consentrate on your breath. Notice how you breath in... then out... ok, start now..........................................................................

When you breath in, you are bringing oxygen in. Oxygen is necessary for our health. If it's polluted, we become less healthy. When you breath out, you are getting rid of carbon dioxide.... something your body doesn't need.

Think about that...
As you breath in think about what you need, right now, more than anything.
As you breath out, think about what you need to get rid of more than anything.

There is a lot of media that you have been taking in that is polluted... it's not healthy for your spirit... as you breath out, get rid of it. Throw it away. Delete it.

There is a lot of media your spirit needs to grow... healthy media... let's start with the Bible. Your soul needs it to grow. Are you breathing it in?

Take the quietness of today to think about your breath... focus on your breathing... notice that you are, right now, on Holy ground. Your breath is a picture of God... right there with you. You can't live without Him. Take you shoes off... pray... breathe.


Jessica said...

wow! crazy stuff...i have never thought of it this way. i really love the whole breathe thing because everyone can connect to it. also its like praising God while doing yoga....:)
-Jessica K.

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