Day 5

Today is Sunday. This Sunday happens to be "Palm Sunday". The day that Jesus made that entry into Jerusalem... just before His death. On this day, everyone celebrated His arrival but in just a few short days, they would be calling for His death.

Interesting how quickly things can change. Just read through Solomon's journal... Ecclesiastes. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived kept a journal. You could also read through a book of his quotes in Proverbs. And in both writings, and based on his experience, success, fame, riches, and pleasure are senseless pursuits. And yet the world convinces us otherwise.

But Jesus had a bigger plan... and it included a horrible death on the cross. He said that if we want to follow Him, we have to take up our cross... and follow Him. What does it mean to take up your cross? Simply, it means that you have to make some tough decisions in life that don't seem to make sense, but because of your faith in Him, you do it.

Today, you will wake up, and go to church, listen, sing, maybe even help out in a ministry. And when you get home, you will walk away, moving on to the next event or thing. But what if Jesus had something more in mind? What if He came through the doors of the church (maybe not on a donkey)? And He walked right up to you, and said, "Hi. My name is Jesus. I created you. I know everything about you. I want you to live for me. I know life won't be easy. But that's your cross. I want you to give up what the world says is success... die to yourself and the world. And follow me."

Today, at some point, have a "craft project" and make a cross. Make it out of whatever you want. Make it cool, make it creative. Whatever. Make a cross and place it in your room. On your dresser. By your bed. Wherever.

Then, take out a piece of paper and your Bible. READ: 1 Peter 4. THINK: In what ways has the media influenced me to focus on the wrong things? What verse (or verses) stick out to me? DISCUSS: Take some time to talk to God about what you thought. Maybe call up a friend and talk about it with them... or your small group leader. LIVE: On the piece of paper, write down that media influence that keeps taking your focus off you Jesus and place it on or next to the cross. And then find some way to get rid of that influence (crushing a CD with a sledgehammer is actually quite fun... especially when you realize how it's been influencing you away from God).

Finally, write a post about what you did... it will inspire others too!


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