Day 26

Yesterday was reflection... today is celebration

Today, write down all the positive experiences and outcomes of your fast up to this point. As you reflect back, notice how often God showed up. Maybe it was a time when you were tempted, and you realized it and walked away. Maybe you told a friend what you were doing and they decided to listen to something else or do something else (that's being authentic AND influential). Whatever it was, realize that it was because the Holy Spirit was alive and working through you or the circumstance.

Of course writing this stuff down and remembering is the easy part... the hard part is sharing what you realized... but today, share it with your parent or significant adult. Tell them what you've learned from this fast... you can also post it on ourthirty but make sure you actually talk to your parent about what you've noticed... you will blow them away.

And remember, God gets all the glory... He's the One who's been holding you together in the first place (remember laminin?).

Finally, spend some time praying and thanking God for how He's used this fast in your life...


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