Day 18

Did you have meat today?

I'm sure you can guess where today's devotional is going?

READ: Hebrews 5:12-14

THINK: What do I consider to be spiritual "milk"? What is spiritual "meat"? Do I need "milk" or "meat"?

DISCUSS: Ask someone these questions. See what they think? Maybe have a little survey.

LIVE: So look at those verses again. Start this time in verse 11... have you ever felt like what was being talked about in church or in youth group was a bit over your head? In verse 11, the writer of Hebrews says that some things are hard to explain because people have become dull of hearing. Now that may not be you... but doesn't it seem harder to keep focused and excited about something when you've heard it over and over? You grow tired of hearing it... it becomes dull. So what does the writer of Hebrews say you should do? BECOME TEACHERS.

If you had the opportunity to teach your peers something about God... maybe share your testimony, what would you teach them? Talk to me about leading a thought or sharing a testimony...

What's funny is that many people use this verse to bring up "preaching styles".. but what this is actually talking about is what YOU do with what you learn. If you're tired of "milk"... maybe it's time you stepped up to the "big leagues" and began to teach others what you know... maybe it's time for your "meat"...

If it will help, I'll help you "cut it up" (meaning that I'll help you put it together, too!) Just let me know and I'll give you the chance to teach something... I promise, it will impact you spiritually!


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