We Carry the Name Part 5

The last one... not sure why the beginning of this is like this... but when Louis comes on, it gets good... enjoy:


We Carry the Name Part 4

Part 4:

We Carry the Name Part 3

This has been an amazing reminder... I need to remember this more often:


We Carry The Name Part 2

So what do you think? Ready for more?... Check this one out...


We Carry the Name Part 1

What do you represent? Who are you? Actually, what has happened because of who God is... inside of you? Take a look at this:



So you've hit the half-way point... you've got 15 days left to go... what you have done is not little feat... but here's the $1000 question: HOW IS THIS CHANGING YOU? If your time during this past month has been focused more on what you can't do than what you are doing with God (thank you, Maggie), then this really will be a waste of time. So are you actually spending time with God... or just going through the motions?

Maybe the last few video devos haven't caught your attention... well maybe this will... Louis Giglio takes creation and mashes it up!


How Great Is Our God Pt. 4 & 5

Wait until you hear and see these last 2 parts of this video. After watching them, what are some of your thoughts and reactions to what you've been watching? Post below this post or on ourthirty.com

Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6AB5IvogHc&feature=related

Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVBNKSjg-LQ&feature=related

How Great Is Our God Pt.3

We are a miracle... you and I are a miracle... watch this!


How Great Is Our God Pt. 2

Did he just say Beatle Juice?.... wait till you hear this!


How Great Is Our God!

So we've been looking at some Youtube videos with Louis Giglio... He went on tour again again... and moved from deep space down to deep inside of us. Take a look at this series called How Great Is Our God!


After watching, look for Chris Tomlin's song "How Great Is Our God" and listen to the words... what does it make you think? Respond below this post or on ourthirty.com.